Great Innovation: Getting a job done
Often one hears that everything is already invented and that only incremental improvements are possible. Well, tell this to Mr. Krinner. He has invented two products that just changed the way how jobs...
View ArticleGreat Innovation: Renovate, don’t replace
Werner Näf had a very simple idea. If your water pipes at home need to be replaced why not renovate them from within? So he invented the LSE-System. It can clean the pipes from the inside using special...
View ArticleGet a good business model: Do This or Die
I lately wrote a blogpost in German on the poor chaps in advertising. I argued that advertisers are always coming too late with their creative ideas. If the business model they are going to advertise...
View ArticleBanking 2.0: Call for help: Ideas for unsolved or badly solved jobs in...
Dear readers, this time I would like to tap to your collective and swarm intelligence. It’s a bit like open innovation but in a quick and dirty version. The challenge: boring and uninspiring banking...
View ArticleInnovation is about being different
What is innovation? Innovation is a strange beast. Most people say innovation is about new technology or bringing new things to the market. Some might think of better processes. Schumpeter went further...
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